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시니어 코스메디케어 실증센터




Visioscope PC35


공동활용 / 대여


Courage khazaka Electronic GmbH(독일)


White LEDs 카메라를 이용하여 피부의 다양한 인자(Pores, Spots, Wrinks) 분석에 용이하며 Sebum, Desquamation 측정도 가능하다. 측정값은 컴퓨터 화면을 통해 확인이 가능하며 모든 이미지와 결과 값은 제공된 소프트웨어를 통해 저장된다.


1) Dimensions: 12 x 5.5 x 5.5cm
2) Weight: approox. 220g
3) Cable length: approox. 220g 1.5m
4) Port: USB 2.0
5) Power supply: 5 V DC via computer
6) Light source: white LEDs Multifunction camera button changes between polarization(short press) and freezes the image (longer press)
7) Image size: approox. 10 x 8 mm on the screen approx. up to 15-20 x-zoom depending on the monitor size
8) SebufixⓇ F16: milky foil the qualitative sebum analysis
    Dimensions : approx. 1.7 x 1.7cm / Thickness : approx 0.2mm 9)     

    CorneofixⓇ F20 : transparent foil for the desquamation measurement
    Dimensions :  approx. 2.00 x 1.95cm/ Thickness :  approx 0.1mm
    Foils are completely harmless for the skin
10) Operation conditions: T: 10-40°C, r.H.: 30-70 %RH / optimal: 20°C and 50%RH
11) Storage condition: T: 0-70° C, r.H.: 0-80 % RH


109번 게시글의 이전글, 다음글
이전글 균배양무균대
다음글 도립현미경